Central Narcotics Bureau Reports A Significant Drop In Suspected Drug Abuse Cases

The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) has recently shared a report about the sharp decline in drug abuse cases following the implementation of COVID-19 border control measurements.

The CNB has recorded a Sharp Decline

The CNB has revealed that they have recorded a significant fall in drug abuse cases and arrests following the pandemic.

The CNB has attributed the drop in drug abuse cases to the border control protocols introduced following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to the COVID-19 border controls, they have recorded a huge drop in drug abuse cases. Even the arrest cases have recorded a significant drop due to the border control protocols introduced at the airports.

However, before the pandemic, there drug abuse cases and arrests were significantly higher.

According to the Central Narcotics Bureau, those who do not face criminal charges after being caught due to drug abuse cases are sent for rehabilitation.

Statistics Prior to the Pandemic

Before the pandemic hit, the number of arrest cases due to drug abuse was higher. In the year 2017, the total number of arrests recorded was 126. The following year (2018), the number of arrests rose to 128.

Then in the year 2019, the number recorded was even higher as it went up to 132 arrests.

Statistics During and after the Pandemic

However, in the year 2020 when the pandemic hit, the arrests recorded a huge drop. From the month of March, the number of arrests from international travelers started to go down.

For the year 2020, the recorded arrests were 30 and in the year 2021, the figure dropped significantly to only 6.

This means that a huge drop was recorded in the international travel arrests where the visitors were in possession of drugs.

What Brought the Matter to Light?

The matter of reduction in the arrests was highlighted as the issue of Joseph Schooling came to light. Schooling is an Olympic champion from Singapore in the swimming sports.

The player was reportedly taking a short-term break from his national service when he was allegedly involved in consuming cannabis. The Olympian even confessed that he was in possession and influence of cannabis while he was in Hanoi.

It was in the month of May when he was taking a break from his national service.

Negative Urine Test

Surprisingly, the urine test he had given was negative but the authorities have taken the necessary precautions on their end.

Schooling has been enlisted in the urine testing regime and he would remain under observation for the next six months.

Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) by Singapore

The Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) is very strict and punishing for the citizens of Singapore. According to the MDA, even if the citizens of Singapore outside of the country are arrested or alleged of using drugs are considered to have committed a crime in the country.

This means that no matter where they are in the world if the Singaporeans are arrested for drug use, they will be punished in Singapore as well.

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